Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Exercising with a purple ankle

In an attempt to get active before I can start walking again, I took some time this afternoon to do some simple leg raises while laying on the floor.  Unfortunately, for some reason my laptop isn't letting me download/upload pictures.  I probably have another stinking virus.  This is actually the third time I have tried to complete a blog post...It can be done!

Anyway...simple workout requiring very little space and just a few minutes:

3 sets of 10 of the following:
1.  straight leg raises--lay on back; straighten knee and lift leg at least 12" off of floor
2.  side leg raises--lay on side; lift leg on top with a straight knee (great for hips)
3.  side leg raises--lay on side; lift bottom leg a few inches off of floor (great inner thigh exercise)

In addition, I am using my time of not being able to walk or vigorously exercise to make sure I stretch my hamstrings.  SO important!  Did you know that tight hamstrings can change the position of your pelvis and cause low back pain?  total craziness...  More can be read about tight hamstrings here.

Or...the best.  Get yourself an awesome trainer, like the trainer I worked with, Amber.  They can stretch those hamstrings!  I sweat the worst during stretching!

On a side and very sad note, I am very sad to hear about the passing of little baby Avery from Avery's Bucket List.  I had been following her story for a few weeks, and was shocked and sad when her dad blogged about her death.  I know Avery touched many lives in her short time here.  If you pray, send her family a prayer for comfort and peace.  <3