Sunday, September 23, 2012

Holy Cow!!!

I have been increasing my steps per day...gave up pretty quickly on the Couch to 5K...couldn't take the pain of the shin splints.  So, now, I am getting at LEAST 10,000 steps per day.  I am using the Fitbit.  Have you guys seen this thing?  I LOVE it.  Highly recommended.  I do not think it is counting my calories burned correctly, but it does monitor my steps pretty accurately.  Love.  Love.  Love.  And, if you have a fitbit, you can "sync" with your friends who have one.  A little friendly competition?  If you have a fitbit, please join me on!

Short post...I am off to finish off my 10,000 steps!

What is your excuse?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Today is brought to you by:  My Nemesis!!!

So....Today, I attempted to do Week 1 Day 2 (W1D2) of the Couch to 5K. nemesis returned!!!  SHIN SPLINTS.  I am so aggravated.  I could only complete 1/2 of the run.  Good thing:  my breathing was completely fine.  I could have run forever, I think...if only my legs didn't feel like they were going to EXPLODE!

So, I am currently researching shin splint taping (again) and icing down the front of my legs.  Might be time for new shoes, too.  I will try again! neme neme nemesis!  (I encourage you to listen to the song.  It is quite catchy.  Maybe I will add it to my running play list.  ;)  )

What is your excuse today?

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Goodbye August and hello September!

I did a fairly decent job of sticking with my healthy eating plan...until the last week.  I am going to start over.  As my good friend recently told me, every time you put food into your mouth, you have to make a conscious decision.  So, there you go.  That is what I am doing.  Looking for FUEL for my body...not just comfort.

I do have to say that I have begun craving fruit.  I LOVE that.  So, I am keeping fruit stocked in my fridge.  Sam's Club has had amazing fruit this year! 

The best part about the small changes I have made are that I am seeing a difference in what my children are eating.  On a recent, unexpected road trip, I stopped at a food mart so the boys could pick out snacks for the long drive.  Guess what they chose?  Pretzels, grapes and pistachios.  What????  Totally their choice.  I in no way encouraged, persuaded, etc.  I did tell them how proud I was of their healthy choices.  :)

So, today, I started the Couch to 5K program.  Have you heard of this?  I did about the first three weeks a couple of years ago.  I decided that my health needs a healthy kick in the butt, so why not a program of tortuous running?  I am sure it will get better...I am just a lot heavier than I was the last time I did it.  My legs were like lead!  But, I will keep long as I can walk tomorrow.  :)  If you want to read about the program, you can find information about it here.  I HIGHLY recommend you download the app to your iphone, ipod, etc.  You can play your favorite music and the app will tell you when to run, walk, etc.  It is very helpful.  :)

After making it through my first running day, I was extra motivated today.  So, I took my boys out for a walk/run.  Well...I walked...they rode a bike and a scooter.  :)  Good day.

What are your fitness goals over the next week?  Here are mine:

1. Complete the first week of Couch to 5K (1 day down, 2 to go!)
2. Follow a healthy eating plan 4/7 days
3. Begin stretching or doing some light yoga 3/7 days.  My legs are TIGHT!

Have a healthy week!