Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ok...So here is the deal. 

I am a working mother and wife.  I am constantly amazed and in awe of other women who work just as much as me, have more children, and are incredibly fit or are in better shape than they were in high school.  That is SO NOT me.

In reviewing pictures of a recent family vacation (see pic with Daisy Duck), I realized that I am not in many pictures.  And there is a reason:

1) I won't let go of the camera (I am a scrapbooker, people!)
2) When it comes down to it, I don't want any pictures of myself.

Hmmmmm...  Wake up call!  I am slowly accepting the fact that I don't want to be in pictures because I don't want to see myself!  How sad.  This is exactly the type of body image that I did NOT want to pass on to my children (which you can see by the picture do NOT take after me...they are stick thin).  See?  Wow.  I so automatically put myself down.

So this is how I got to a blog.  Thanks to a friend since 7th grade, Jessica, who pointed me in this direction, though I think she suggested something about a new recipe blog.  Oh well.  Sorry, Jess! :) 

Although I may comment on new recipes I try from time to time, I realize that the only way I am going to drop some poundage (and bra sizes) and get more fit is by a combination of the following:

1) move more.  This may include increasing my 3x/week walks even though my shin splints make my legs explode (excuse #1)
2) stop sneaking the Easter candy out of my boys' Easter basket (or Halloween bucket, or Christmas get the idea).
3) Actually try to eat fresh fruits and (gasp) vegetables.  I grow a garden for goodness sakes.  I should start eating some of my produce instead of only making it for the kids and my husband!

I am sure there are MANY others, but this is at least a start for me.

So, here it goal for this blog...  IF I get any followers, I am going to take fitness "challenges" or recipe "challenges" (be nice people!).  I will try the fitness plans for at least one week and comment on how easy it was to fit it into my daily routine, how I felt, etc.  I get bored easily, hence the one week schedule.  I know fitness is a greater commitment than one week, so that is why I hope to get suggestions of other fitness plans from followers.  I will be honest regarding the fitness plans (meaning how much they sucked or made me feel better...or both)...a working mom and wife's perspective!  I also hope to try new recipes that are more healthy.  I plan to feed them to my family, so the reviews will be thorough!

I promise to get over my aversion to pictures, and post pictures of me engaging in said fitness routines.  My husband doesn't know it yet, but he will act as the photographer.  What a bonding time!  :)

For my first fitness attempt, I am going to engage an ab and core workout I found on Pinterest of all places.  Here is the blog/website:  ab workout--Fitness Challenge #1

Here we go!  Well...I am starting tomorrow.  :)


  1. Well done Jacque... I started following 5 rules, no diet. No fast food, No eating in the car, No soda, Eating breakfast, and Exercising every weekday. So far, so good. I'm cheering for you.. btw, it's Carrie from the WW days :)

  2. Those sound like good rules. Thanks for popping in! I hope this blog is entertaining and motivating!
